
Greg King has been cutting cabochons for over 40 years, since he cut his first turquoise cabochon in New Mexico in 1975.  For the past 30 years he's exhibited at the Tucson Gem & Mineral Show where he has a loyal following of customers who appreciate his creative eye for unique stone acquisition and cutting expertise.  

Greg cuts stones from over 100 locations around the world, including upwards of 25 varieties of turquoise.  His collection includes fine and rare agates and jaspers, inclusion quartz, natural and stabilized turquoise, fossil materials, including dinosaur bone, coral, etc., a variety of gem chrysocolla, pietersite, charoite, natural surface pieces and many more unique and unusual minerals.

His extensive turquoise inventory includes: Blue Gem, Easter Blue, Royston, Damali, Pilot Mountain, Kingman, Morenci, Tyrone, Hachita, McGinness, Fox, Carico Lake, Cripple Creek, Blue Boy, Sleeping Beauty, Pinto Valley, Nevada Blue, Evans, Search Light, Leadville, Chines

Everything is hand-cut in Greg's studio in Taos, NM.  He has a plethora of lightweight, well-matched pairs in his extensive collection of cabochons. 

Greg King Lapidary Arts

PO Box 427, Taos, NM 87571

(575) 770-6805,